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Working with Graph Data

The last chapter focused on how you can describe individual entities using RDF triples, how those triples form a graph, and how you can use JSON to encode triples. This chapter refines our notion of "entity" and shows how you can use JSON to encode relationships between entities.

Along the way, we'll focus on a problem: How do you represent the following graph in JSON? How would you insert it into Fluree?

graph TB j(_:f100) -->|"@id"| jid(_:f100) j -->|name| jn(Jack) j -->|species| sp1(Mongolian death worm) j -->|bestFriend| l l(_:f101) -->|"@id"| lid(_:f101) l -->|name| ln(Lucia) l -->|species| sp2(Mongolian death worm) l -->|bestFriend| j

This shows two Mongolian death worms named Jack and Lucia who have a reciprocal bestFriend relationship. JSON on its own has no standard way for representing this kind of relationship. You'd need some way for _:f100 to refer to _:f101, and while you could come up with a convention for doing that, it would be idiosyncratic to your system and difficult to enforce and maintain.

This chapter will show you how to use JSON-LD, a W3C standard, to represent this relationship -- and virtually any other graph. It will show you how store these graphs in Fluree.

Representing entities

Before we enter the realm of JSON-LD, I first need to clarify some subtleties around how we use the word "entity." Many of us think of an entity as similar to a row in a relational database or an object in an object oriented language. An entity has fields (if it's in a db) or attributes (if it's an OO object), and those fields/attributes have values. There's a distinction between the entity as a data container (row or object), and the data that it contains.

RDF does not technically support this kind of distinction. It's all just nodes connected by arcs, resources connected by predicates. Take this graph:

In the triple ["Jack", "loves", "cheesecake"], none of the elements can be said to have the privileged position of "entity" as something which encompasses the other elements. This notion is reinforced when you visualize the triple:

graph LR j(Jack) -->|loves| c(cheesecake)

There's no container here, just two nodes and an arc. The arc does have a direction, from Jack to cheesecake, but there's nothing stopping you from reading this as "cheesecake is loved by Jack" or from adding an arc from cheesecake to Jack.

Nevertheless, the notion of an entity as a container is useful and it feels intuitive. If we're modeling customer data, we want to be able to talk about a customer as an actual thing that has properties or attributes. The resolution here is to just acknowledge that you can impose that kind of organization onto an RDF graph, but it's a convenience for your thinking and communication, and not something that's technically reflected in the way RDF data is structured.

We also need to contend with the practical fact that we are representing our data using JSON objects, which actually are containers. How do we bridge this gap between RDF's notion of data as a non-hierarchical collection of nodes and arcs, and JSON's inherently hierarchical structure?

When we say that a JSON object represents an entity, what we mean is that the JSON object's key/value pairs correspond to RDF predicates and objects in a set of triples, and all of those triples have the same subject.

That gets us part of the way to bridging the gap. But what is the subject? How do we even specify that? Take this JSON:

"name": "Jack",
"species": "Mongolian death worm"

The key/value pairs correspond to RDF predicates and objects, so where would we even specify a subject? As it turns out, there's a W3C standard that defines how to fully represent RDF data using JSON data structures, including how to specify the subject in a JSON object. It's called JSON-LD which stands for JSON for Linked Data.


JSON-LD is a standard for representing RDF data using JSON data structures. Because RDF data describes graphs, JSON-LD can also be thought of as a way to represent graphs using JSON. I'll talk about JSON-LD from both perspectives.

JSON-LD is just JSON, but with some additional rules for structuring objects to provide the information machines and humans need to interpret the JSON as a graph. When I say a JSON-LD object, I mean a JSON object that's being interpreted using the rules of the JSON-LD standard.

These rules are necessary because JSON on its own doesn't provide us with a standard way of representing the kinds of relationships we want to represent, like the mutual "bestFriend" relationship between Jack and Lucia from earlier. With JSON-LD, though, you can represent virtually any graph.

This is useful in itself; using JSON-LD also gives you a couple strategic advantages:

  1. Because it's built on top of JSON, you can leverage the wealth of existing tools for working with JSON data.
  2. Because it's a standard, JSON-LD-structured data is portable and composable in a way that simply isn't possible otherwise. It provides a common language for representing information across systems, removing the need to constantly write software that translates between data system.

In the same way that JSON is a data format that's defined independently from any particular application, JSON-LD is a way to represent graphs that's defined independently of any database, including Fluree. Fluree provides a JSON-LD interface, meaning that the data you insert and update is formatted as JSON-LD, queries you write (and the results they return) are too. To understand how to use Fluree, we'll need to learn JSON-LD.

Inserting JSON-LD Data

Let's return to the question of how we indicate the RDF subject in a JSON object. With JSON-LD, you use the "@id" key:

"@id": "_:f100",
"name": "Jack",
"species": "Mongolian death worm"


In real-world usage you'll want to use IRIs for "@id" values, a topic we'll cover in the next chapter. IRIs typically look like URIs, with values like "".

We'll keep formatting @id's using the _: prefix for the time being, but if for some reason you stop the tutorial here just be aware that it'll be important to learn how to work with IRIs.

For those familiar with RDF, note that Fluree treats blank node identifiers as stable identifiers, such that if you run multiple transactions using the same blank node id for @id, then it will modify a single subject rather than inserting new subjects.

This corresponds to the following graph:

graph LR j(_:f100) -->|name| jn(Jack) j -->|species| s1("Mongolian death worm")

So that answers the question of how to encode the subject in a JSON object, but you're probably wondering about where we got the string "_:f100", and what role Fluree plays in creating these values. After all, in other database systems there are mechanisms for generating unique primary keys; how does this work in Fluree?

The answer actually has a surprising amount of depth to it, but for now I'm just going to focus on the bare minimum you need to know in order to understand how to represent the "bestFriend" relationship:

  1. Because JSON-LD is a strict serialization of RDF triples, and because RDF triples always have a subject, every entity in JSON-LD (and in Fluree) must have an "@id" value, even if none is explicitly supplied.
  2. You don't need to provide an "@id" value explicitly. If you don't, Fluree will generate one for you. These data entities are known as blank nodes, and Fluree's @id assignment follows a pattern of _:f[integer value].
  3. If you do provide an "@id" value, this value (conventionally, a URI string representing an entity with global uniqueness) becomes an identifier that makes it easier to qualify your updates to (or your queries against) that node in the future.
  4. When we transact facts against an entity by referencing its "@id" value, those updates effectively qualify upserts against that entity. If an entity with that subject IRI already exists, the facts will be applied to it. If it doesn't exist, that entity will be created.
  5. If you include an "@id" value in your JSON object, its value does not have to match Fluree's naming scheme, and its value doesn't need to already exist in the database. That is to say: you can generate new identifiers using your own system in order to create new entities in Fluree.

Let's look at the following transactions (and feel free to try them out directly in the sandbox!)


In all of the following examples we will be using Fluree's insert key to assert the following information. We are also able to combine the insert key with the delete key to issue more nuanced updates to existing data, and we can even use the where key to bind existing data to ?logicVariables, making it possible to execute all kinds of surgical, precise updates to new or existing data.

// This will insert or update the following facts about
// the entity with the subject IRI, ""
"insert": {
"@id": "",
"name": "Jack",
"species": "Mongolian death worm"

// This will insert the same predicate-object pairs as the
// previous transaction, but because no @id is provided, Fluree
// will generate a new blank node entity with an arbitrary @id IRI
"insert": {
"name": "Jack",
"species": "Mongolian death worm"

// We see here the same predicate-object facts as above, but
// with an entirely new subject IRI, "".
// Nodes are directly identified by their @id subject IRI, not by other
// predicate-object pairs, so this transaction will not affect or update
// data on ""
"insert": {
"@id": "",
"name": "Jack",
"species": "Mongolian death worm"


We also have a pattern for updating data on existing entities without using their @id subject IRIs as identifiers. We'll look at this later, but it involves issuing a kind of subquery with the where key to find entities matching particular data conditions, and then using our ?logicVariable patterns to update data on the results of those subqueries.

So that's how we represent a single entity with JSON-LD. To represent our best friend graph, though, we'll need to represent multiple entities. Here's how to do that:

"insert": [
"@id": "_:f100",
"bestFriend": {
"@id": "_:f101"
"name": "Jack",
"species": "Mongolian death worm"
"@id": "_:f101",
"bestFriend": {
"@id": "_:f100"
"name": "Lucia",
"species": "Mongolian death worm"

With JSON-LD, you can use an array to represent a collection of entities. This is how we can use JSON to represent any number of nodes and relationships in a graph.

"@id" is a keyword, meaning that JSON-LD assigns them special meaning that's not present solely in the data itself. "@id" is still a JSON key like "name" or any other key, but tools that interpret JSON as JSON-LD (like Fluree) know that the key has additional significance, designating an identifier that should be used as the subject for a set of triples.

This is generally what it means for JSON-LD to be a standard implemented on top of JSON. JSON-LD defines keywords and their possible values so that applications will have a clear way of translating JSON into internal data structures.

Note the value of "bestFriend": it's not simply the string for the "@id" being referenced, it's a JSON object with the key "@id". It's not this:

{ "bestFriend": "_:f100" }

It's this:

"bestFriend": {
"@id": "_:f100"

Any time you want to reference an identifier, make sure you do it in this way.

You can transact multiple entities with Fluree in an array, and Fluree will insert all entities, meaning that it will create triples for all the key/value pairs in the JSON object. If you were to transact the JSON with the death worms above, Fluree would create the following triples:

["_:f100", "@id", "_:f100"],
["_:f100", "name", "Jack"],
["_:f100", "species", "Mongolian death worm"],
["_:f100", "bestFriend", "_:f101"],
["_:f101", "@id", "_:f101"],
["_:f101", "name", "Lucia"],
["_:f101", "species", "Mongolian death worm"],
["_:f101", "bestFriend", "_:f100"]

Thus, it's possible to insert multiple entities at the same time, and for the entities to refer to each other.

Querying graph data

Graphs have no logical beginning or end, nor do they have containers in the way we're used to with other databases. Yet, it's useful to represent them in JSON, which imposes a bounded, hierarchical structure on the data. We've explored this from the perspective of transactions but how do we represent and issue queries by using JSON-LD?

As a reminder from the last chapter, when you execute a query, it's like you're telling Fluree how to:

  1. Filter Fluree's nodes down to some initial set of nodes
  2. Recursively include adjacent arcs and nodes
  3. Return the selected nodes and arcs as JSON

A simple query

Let's start with a simple query:

"select": {
"?s": ["*"]
"where": {
"@id": "?s",
"bestFriend": "?friend"

If you've inserted the two Mongolian death worm entities above, you should get a result that looks like this:

"@id": "_:f101",
"bestFriend": {
"@id": "_:f100"
"name": "Lucia",
"species": "Mongolian death worm"
"@id": "_:f100",
"bestFriend": {
"@id": "_:f101"
"name": "Jack",
"species": "Mongolian death worm"

What is the relationship between the query and the results? As in the last chapter, the "where" clause is responsible for filtering down Fluree's set of nodes to those that meet some criteria, and for binding those nodes to a logic variable.

Here, the object { "@id": "?s", "bestFriend": "?friend" } selects those nodes that have any value on the predicate named "bestFriend", regardless of what that value may be. It binds the subject IRIs of those nodes to the "?s" logic variable. In our example, the "_:f100" and "_:f101" node identifiers get bound to "?s".


In this example, we create a ?friend logic variable in our where clause, but we aren't using the values bound to ?friend within the select statement where we shape the projection of our query results. Here, it's simply being used to express that we care about nodes that have any possible value on the predicate, bestFriend, but we don't want to limit our result set by pre-specifying what that value should be.

When we use subject IRI logic variables from our where clause to project results via our select clause syntax, we need to tell Fluree how to represent the nodes that are bound to those logic variables.

We could say, "select": { "?s": ["*"] } if we wanted Fluree to crawl every property on the subjects bound to ?s and represent each property-object value as a JSON key-value pair, or we could be more explicit in the property-object pairs we need returned from this query, for example "select": { "?s": ["name", "species"] }, if we only wanted JSON objects returned with the name and species properties.

Fluree will construct a JSON object for each of the selected nodes, and it will use the "select" clause to determine which keys and values to include in the JSON object.

Let's put this all together. Fluree is storing this graph:

graph TB j(_:f100) -->|"@id"| jid(_:f100) j -->|name| jn(Jack) j -->|species| sp1(Mongolian death worm) j -->|bestFriend| l l(_:f101) -->|"@id"| lid(_:f101) l -->|name| ln(Lucia) l -->|species| sp2(Mongolian death worm) l -->|bestFriend| j

The "where" clause of your query uses the ?s logic variable, and given our pattern that looks for any ?s with any value on the property, bestFriend, it binds the "_:f100" and "_:f101" node IRIs to ?s, because they are the only nodes with an outgoing arc named "bestFriend". The "select" clause specifies that you want to build a JSON object for each of these nodes such that every outgoing arc (and its corresponding value) is encoded as key/value pairs in the JSON object.

Thus, the query results include two JSON objects, one for each node. Each JSON object includes the keys "name", "species", and "bestFriend" (as well as the JSON key-value pair @id, because even though this represents the subject identifier and is not strictly a property, JSON has no other way to represent this than with the JSON-LD @id key).

The value of "bestFriend" is not just the string "_:f100" or "_:f101". Instead, it's the object {"@id": "_:f100"}. "@id" values are always encoded this way.

Graph-Crawling in our Select Clauses

There's a practical reason for this: you might want to populate that object with more key/value pairs. Check out this query and the result:

"select": {
"?s": [
"bestFriend": ["*"]
"where": {
"@id": "?s",
"bestFriend": "?friend"


"name": "Lucia",
"bestFriend": {
"@id": "_:f100",
"name": "Jack",
"species": "Mongolian death worm",
"bestFriend": {
"@id": "_:f101"
"name": "Jack",
"bestFriend": {
"@id": "_:f101",
"name": "Lucia",
"species": "Mongolian death worm",
"bestFriend": {
"@id": "_:f100"

Whereas in the previous queries, we saw the graph data expanded for the ?s nodes, but not for any additional entities downstream of those nodes, in this query we are explicitly including in our select clause that if a property, bestFriend exists, and if the value(s) of this property are, themselves, subject identifiers for other nodes, then return all data (["*"]) on those downstream nodes.

The "select" clause that yields this result is ["name", {"bestFriend": ["*"]}]. The "name" portion works just as described before: it directs Fluree to include the "name" property-object arc for the selected subject. The object {"bestFriend": ["*"]} is where things get interesting.

Let's call this object a node object template. The keys of a node object template ("bestFriend") correspond to arcs, and the values are arrays that specify how to build a JSON object for the arcs' nodes (the node that "bestFriend" points to).

The node object template {"bestFriend": ["*"]} is saying, include the bestFriend arc. Use a JSON object to represent the node that the bestFriend arc points to. To construct that JSON object, include all of the node's outgoing arcs.

In my mind, I think of this as Fluree using the arcs you specify to travel to each node and then running a little recipe to determine how to represent that node. With the array ["name", {"bestFriend": ["*"]}], Fluree travels down the "name" arc to a value node. Because "name" is a simple string, the recipe is "just return the value of this node". Next, Fluree travels down the "bestFriend" arc. Because "bestFriend" is specified with a node object template, the recipe is "construct a JSON object using the array ["*"]".

Fluree then travels down each outgoing arc from the "bestFriend" node. It travels down "name", "species", and "bestFriend" arcs, and this time the recipe is "just return the value of this node."

Data in the shape you need it

Fluree's combination of graph data and flexible querying brings a benefit that isn't obvious: it's a lot easier to get data in the shape that your application needs it, rather than having to go through extra processing steps to translate between the data structures your database returns and the ones your app actually needs. For more examples of data in different shapes and more complex queries, see the reference documentation for the Fluree Query Syntax.


  • JSON-LD is a W3C standard that defines how to represent RDF graphs using JSON
  • JSON-LD keywords are JSON keys that are given special meaning in a JSON-LD context
  • You use the "@id" key to signify the subject for a JSON-LD object
  • You use arrays to encode multiple JSON-LD entities
  • Fluree queries specify:
    1. How to filter Fluree's nodes down to some initial set of nodes
    2. Which nodes and arcs to include in the JSON that's returned
    3. How to transform the selected nodes and arcs into JSON