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Fluree is a graph database that:

  • Supports semantic web standards
  • Has deep cryptographic integration, providing a fine-grained security model
  • Supports seamless horizontal scaling
  • Provides a pluggable storage interface, letting you pick the storage layer most appropriate for your application

This tutorial teaches you the essentials for using Fluree. It focuses on the interface you'll use when building an application that uses Fluree as its primary data store, and the data model Fluree provides. It doesn't cover database administration like scaling and backup, and it doesn't go into architectural concerns like which storage system to use. It assumes you have some experience working with databases.

Over the course of the tutorial, you'll take on the role of a cryptozoologist tracking mystical cryptids like chupacabras and yetis across the globe. You'll use Fluree to record your observations and to coordinate with other researchers. You'll also see how you can use Fluree's security features to protect these rare creatures by keeping sensitive data out of the hands of the unscrupulous. You will learn:

  • How to install and start a Fluree database running on your machine
  • How to perform CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations
  • What a graph database is and how it differs from relational databases
  • What an RDF triple store is, and the implications for you
  • How using JSON-LD and semantic data can help you

As a cryptozoologist, your passion has led you to quit your day job and dedicate yourself full-time to the understanding and preservation of the world's most mysterious creatures. You're like the Steve Irwin of barely-imaginable beings, except instead of putting your head inside crocodile mouths, you're observing from afar and recording your observations to share with the world.

To get started, you'll first need to install and run a database.

Running Fluree

docker run -p 58090:8090 -v `pwd`/data:/opt/fluree-server/data fluree/server

This downloads and starts Fluree's Standalone Server Instance. The server is responsible for storing the data we give it and handling our queries. It's just one possible way to interact with Fluree, but it's the one we'll be relying on in this tutorial.

The Fluree Interface

Once the server is running, you can open http://localhost:58090/ in your browser to view a description of the Fluree's HTTP API. Every programming language has libraries for handling HTTP requests, so your application should be able to interact with the Fluree server via HTTP using whatever library you're most comfortable with.

You can also use a standalone application like Postman to make API calls. This is a great choice if you're not a programmer because it provides a friendly UI that will aid you with constructing API requests. It also has features for saving and organizing API requests which are useful even to seasoned programmers.

If you'd like to work with Postman, our Cookbook of common use case examples is available as a public collection:

Run in Postman

We'll also show our examples as curl commands that you can copy and run from the command line.

To start using Fluree to store data, you must first create a ledger. Whereas in a relational database management system (RDBMS) you'd create a database to hold your data, in Fluree you create a ledger. A ledger is a record of all the transactions (data insertions, updates, and deletes), and all of your transactions and queries will run against a ledger.

To create the ledger, you must send an API request to the /fluree/create endpoint:

curl --location 'http://localhost:58090/fluree/create' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"ledger": "cryptids",
"insert": {
"@id": "my-first-cryptid",
"name": "Freddy the Yeti"

Now that we have a server running and know how to interact with it, we're ready to start storing some cryptid data!