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Collaborative Data

As you know, cryptozoology is inherently a collaborative science. Enthusiasts the world over share their findings in order to gain shared insights into the behaviors of some of Earth's most-misunderstood and least-existing creatures.

However, sharing findings can be a tricky and burdensome process. This is a specific instance of the general problem of working with distributed data - data that is managed by different owners with different conventions for how to record information. The core issue is how we handle names - my system for naming things might not match yours, and that causes confusion and tears.

This is a deep philosophical problem with a rich history. In this chapter, we're going to ignore philosophy and history and instead explore the problem from a practical standpoint, then look at how Fluree uses technologies that solve this problem for you.

Ambiguous Names

If you and I are maintaining separate datasets about the same entities and want to combine our data, we need to know when our datasets are referring to the same things and when they're referring to different things. There are two ways that this can be ambiguous:

  1. In the labels we choose for describing an entity
  2. In the identifiers we choose to denote an entity

In my cryptids database I might use the label scientific_name to record a cryptid's genus and species, while you might use the label genus_species. We might also use the same labels to record different information: I might use the label coordinates to record latitude and longitude, while you might use it to record UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinates.

Then there's the identifiers for entities. How will we know when we're referring to the same real-life cryptid? I might use an auto-generated number as an identifier for the entities in my database, while you might use a UUID.

Names become ambiguous outside their home context. When you're working with a single dataset, there's enough implicit information to tell you what names mean. That information might be the address of the database you're connecting to, or it might be the fact that the dataset was provided by your colleague Samantha. These pieces of information give you the context you need to determine the meaning of the names.

While we as humans can work out these data ambiguities using our human brains and reasoning skills, computers can't. Human judgment is required to consolidate the different vocabularies used by the different contexts and produce a single, uniform dataset. Our data systems have no innate way of knowing that the label scientific_name in your system refers to the same kind of thing as genus_species in your colleague's. That's why we have to write extract, transform, and load (ETL) programs to convert datasets from different sources into a single representation.

Resolving these discrepancies across datasets is time-consuming and error-prone work. The need for this kind of work keeps people employed, which is good I guess, but this problem is never essential to the kind of work you're trying to get done. It's incidental complexity that soaks up time and resources.

Thankfully, it doesn't have to be this way.

RDF and Universal Identifiers

Those who want to collaborate on data can address this problem of managing names outside their local context by agreeing on a system for unambiguously representing names within a global context. When all parties involved in working with distributed data have agreed on such a system, collaboration becomes infinitely easier. RDF gives us a way to do this.

Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs) provide a global context

How does this work? As it turns out, we already have a format for unambiguously naming things in a global context: URIs. The word flights could mean different things in different contexts, but the URI will always be distinct from The fact that these names might happen to refer to web pages is immaterial for our purposes; the point is that this naming system allows us to provide all the context we need to distinguish one instance of flights from another.

What does this look like with data? Instead of working with JSON data that looks like this:

"familyName": "Worrel",
"givenName": "Ernest"

We can use JSON-LD data that looks like this:

"": "Worrel",
"": "Ernest"

note is discussed below

When it comes to JSON-LD, we say we're using Internationalized Resource Identifiers, or IRIs, for attribute names. IRIs serve the same function as URIs: they're strings that follow a specified format and they're used as unambiguous names. The only difference between IRIs and URIs is that IRIs allow for internationalized characters in a way that URIs do not, which is a nuance that I don't want us to get hung upon.

In the same way that everyone across the globe uses URIs to unambiguously identify documents on the internet, we use IRIs to unambiguously name things -- anything. The IRI "" is defined in a global context, and it does not depend on the local, ad-hoc, implicit context of any particular organization. If you and I are maintaining separate data sets and we both use the IRI "" as a key in a JSON object, we can know without even talking to each other that we're working with the same thing.

By doing this, the problem of managing local names disappears because you're not using local names anymore, you're using global names. And with that, all sorts of possibilities are unlocked:

  • Your data becomes portable, not tied to any particular database vendor
  • You and other collaborators can seamlessly merge your datasets without having to coordinate with each other.
  • You don't have to write ETLs to combine your data, and you don't have to have all the conversations necessary to make sure you're getting the ETLs right.

Documenting IRIs

IRIs have another advantage, in that you can typically use them as URLs to look up documents on the internet. This is intentional. In this way it's possible for us to provide descriptions for the names that we're referencing. is a repository of schemas and it provides such descriptions. A schema is a higher-level organization of property names, along with the their expected and a description of the value. If you go to, for example, you'll see a schema description that includes the IRIs we've been using.

IRIs do not have to be associated with, nor do they have to be associated with a functioning web site. It's just nice that it's trivial to provide documentation for the names you're using.

A common language makes collaboration easier

The central, profound idea underlying this naming system is that collaboration is exponentially easier when collaborators speak the same language. A language consists not just of symbols, but of the context necessary to make sense of those symbols.

It's like how the word burro means donkey in Spanish and butter in Italian. If you ask someone to pass you the butter in Italian, you are unlikely to receive a donkey. The context makes the meaning clear. IRIs are a standard way for you to supply the context for data, removing the need for translation across contexts. With IRIs, data can be understood outside of its origin.

Using IRIs with Fluree

The use of IRIs is deeply embedded in the RDF standard, and Fluree is an RDF database. Therefore, it's possible to use IRIs with Fluree. You can transact the example JSON above in Fluree:

"": "Worrel",
"": "Ernest"

And you can query it:

"where": {
"@id": "?s",
"": "Worrel"

Let's review what's happening here. We're transacting a JSON-LD object. Internally, this JSON object gets converted into a set of RDF triples. RDF triples consist of a subject, predicate, and object.

What's new about the data we've transacted is that we are using IRIs for the predicates, "" and "". From one perspective, these values aren't different from the strings we've been using for predicates up until now. You can transact them and query them just as you've been doing. Their value comes from how they can be used in a broader data ecosystem.

It's worth noting that the RDF spec actually requires predicates to be IRIs. That means that the predicates we've been using so far, like "best_friend" and "favorite_food" are not valid RDF. Yet, Fluree still allows you to store these values.

This is because Fluree is designed to be practical. Getting your data to fully conform with RDF can take a little work, and it shouldn't be required for you to use Fluree. If you were trying to, say, import data from an existing database, you shouldn't have to convert it be fully RDF-compliant before you can transact and query it with Fluree.

RDF compliance is opt-in; when you're ready to reap the benefits of collaborative data, Fluree will support you, and in the mean time you can use it as a "mere" deeply cryptographically secure graph database. Fluree will function the same for you regardless of whether you are using IRIs.

JSON-LD, @context, and compact IRIs

You may have noticed that IRIs are quite long. Using keys like "" is fine for machine consumption, but it can be taxing on human brains. JSON-LD defines a way to use compact IRIs, so that you can use shorter IRIs that mean the same thing. Here's an example:

"@context": {
"schema": ""
"schema:familyName": "Worrel",
"schema:givenName": "Ernest"

This can be understood with the following rule:

  1. If a string has the form namespace:identifier, and namespace is a key under @context
  2. Then replace namespace: with the corresponding value under @context

In this example, instances of "schema:" are replaced with "". Applications that understand JSON-LD, like Fluree, will automatically expand namespaces into their full form. The @context is there to make JSON data a bit easier for humans to read.

You can also include a context when querying:

"@context": {
"schema": ""
"select": {
"?s": [
"where": {
"@id": "?s",
"schema:familyName": "Worrel"

Subjects, objects, blank nodes, and IRIs

We've been focusing on using IRIs for predicates, but we haven't talked much about the other naming ambiguity that can arise, the ambiguity that arises around identifiers for entities. It turns out that IRIs can be used for this, too.

IRIs can be used to designate anything at all in the world, including the entities you're trying to describe. With JSON-LD, you can use IRIs for @id values, making them the subjects for the corresponding triples. The JSON-LD:

"@context": {
"schema": ""
"@id": "",
"schema:familyName": "Worrel",
"schema:givenName": "Ernest"

And the triples:


IRIs can thus be the subjects in RDF triples. This is the preferred way to identify the entities in your system.

While IRIs are a standard format for unambiguously identifying entities, that still leaves the question of how exactly you should generate IRIs. Other databases have facilities for generating unique identifiers, but Fluree does not. It's up to you to figure out what kind of name generating system you want, and up to you to ensure that it generates IRIs without conflicts.

We don't have any recommendations for how you generate IDs, but you can keep these concerns in mind:

  • Some entities have natural identifiers. This could be a SKU or a library of congress control number. In this case, the entity already has some globally unique identifier associated with it, managed by an institution. In this case, the recommendation would be to use the natural identifier in an IRI.
  • For some entities we want to avoid natural identifiers. Consider user accounts for a SAAS app. In this case, we might purposely want to generate an identifier that has no relation to the entity's data to avoid accidentally exposing info.
  • Compact URIs (CURIEs) are often desirable

You might have also noticed that IRIs don't fully solve the problem of naming ambiguity. In our cryptid field research, you and I might have come across the same lemisch (a kind of jaguar and otter mix, but you knew that). We might have named it different things; you might refer to it as "" while I might refer to it as "". This isn't even necessarily a problem; it's unavoidable that two different groups might assign different names to the same thing. Even you as an individual might have reasons for using two different names for the same thing.

There are tools for reconciling these discrepancies, but they are beyond the scope of this tutorial.

Additional Resources

In this chapter we focused on the mechanics of IRIs and why you might want to use them, but we didn't go into how you might actually model the data in your application. For a great discussion of that topic, check out Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist.

The JSON-LD spec covers how to work with IRIs, @context, and @id.


Working with distributed data can be time-consuming and error prone if the data hasn't been encoded in a way that's globally unambiguous. IRIs allow us to use global names, and when we use them our data becomes portable and composable with a fraction of the effort required to build and maintain the ETLs responsible for translating local datasets into a common language.

You can use IRIs for subjects, predicates, and objects. How you generate the IRIs for entities is up to you.