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JSON-LD is a W3C standard for serializing semantic web RDF graph data as JSON. With it, you can encode a graph like this:

graph TB s( -->|| sn(Satya Nadella) s -->|| jt(CEO)

Using this JSON:

"@context": "",
"@id": "",
"name": "Satya Nadella",
"jobTitle": "CEO"

This document explains the rationale behind the semantic web approach to representing data. It also explains the basics of JSON-LD syntax so that you can understand it when you read it and so you can encode your own data as JSON-LD.

If you'd like a more detailed introduction to these concepts and technologies, please read our tutorial.

RDF and semantic web

JSON-LD serializes Resource Description Framework (or RDF) data. Fluree implements JSON-LD for transactions; you send JSON-LD objects to Fluree to add data to your database.

In RDF, a resource is anything that you want to capture information about; it's analogous to entity. The Resource Description Framework is a standard that lays out rules for capturing data -- describing resources -- such that the data can be unambigously understood by any system that understands RDF. It's like a protocol for representing data, similar to how TCP/IP and HTTP are protocols for exchanging information on the internet.

Without such a standard, every data system is responsible for creating its own way to represent data: What should fields be named? How do you refer to entities? How do you capture relationships between entities? Data systems must, in effect, create their own idiosyncratic representational systems for their data.

This distributed data -- data that is not managed by a central authority, with an uncoordinated network of producers and consumers -- is made much more useful if it's translated into the same representation. Developers have spent untold hours translating among these systems, and RDF nearly eliminates the need for this kind of work.

The RDF spec has rules for two aspects of representing data:

  • How to describe the relationship between two resources
  • How to unambiguously refer to resources

Relationships are captured as subject, predicate, object (SPO) triples. The examples below are informal (indicated by the <> brackets), meaning they don't follow formatting specifications, but they convey the underlying idea:

<Reggie> <loves> <honey>
<Reggie> <loves> <guitar>
<Megan> <is the mother of> <Ruby>
<Ruby> <loves> <mangoes>

<Megan><is the mother of><Ruby>

Triples like this allow us to describe relationships between any two things. This is the essence of data: two things, and the relationship between them.

Triples can be used to represent graphs:

graph TB r(Reggie) -->|loves| h(honey) r(Reggie) -->|loves| g(guitar) m(Megan) -->|is the mother of| ruby(Ruby) ruby -->|loves| mangoes(mangoes)

This is an essential aspect of RDF: it's used to represent graph data.

So that's the first part of the data "language" that RDF describes. The second part is how to unambiguously refer to resources: my <Reggie> may or may not be the same as your <Reggie>; for that matter, my <loves> might be different from yours. Resolving these kinds of ambiguities is a huge part of the work of translating among data systems.

RDF introduces structure to our data representations so that we can unambiguously refer to the things we're describing and their relationships. Instead of freeform plain text, we use Internationalized Resource Identifiers, or IRIs, (which are essentially like URIs). The above data might be captured like this: "honey" "guitar" "mangoes"

If you're using the IRI and I'm also using IRI, we can be certain that we're referring to the same entity. Likewise, wherever we use the IRI, we know we're both referring to the same kind of relationship between two entities.

Note that the objects in SPO triples can be strings ("honey" and "mangoes" above). They can also be numbers and other values; for more information see RDF datatypes.

JSON-LD is a standard for serializing these RDF triples into JSON. Serializing RDF data as JSON is desireable because there is ample language and tooling support for working with JSON.

The rest of this document explains basic vocabulary and rules for understanding how a JSON-LD object relates to RDF data.

node objects and properties

JSON-LD uses JSON objects to capture the subject, predicate, object triples that describe resources. In a JSON-LD context, a JSON object can be referred to as a node object. The word node is used because RDF captures graph data, and a single JSON object is "about" a node in that graph.

This JSON object describes a node where the node being described has a "" relationship with "":

"": "honey"

We would say that the node has the property "", with a value of "". Property is synonymous with "predicate", and value is synonymous with "object".

But what is the subject? How do you identify the node being described? That's where the @id keyword comes in.

@id and keywords

The @id keyword designates the subject for a node object:

"": "honey",
"": "guitar"

A library that parses JSON objects as JSON-LD could read this and convert it into the following RDF triple: "honey" "guitar"


The "@id" example above shows how the JSON format does not support the parsing of a JSON object as a set of RDF triples. We need special designators like "@id" along with rules for interpreting these designators in order to treat JSON objects as RDF data.

These designators are called keywords, and their role in including RDF information in JSON objects is defined by the W3C's JSON-LD specification.

Generally, the key value pairs of a JSON object are treated as properties and values for a node. Keywords, however, are treated differently, as described by the spec. We've already seen this with @id: it doesn't designate another property of the node, rather, it indicates what node is being described by the JSON object.

This doc also describes @context and @type, showing how they help serialize RDF data as JSON objects.

@context, aliases, metadata

The @context keyword is almost always included in JSON-LD objects, and understanding its role is essential to understanding the JSON-LD data you're working with. It serves two primary functions:

  • It defines aliases
  • It contains other metadata like the language being used (English, Chinese, etc)


You'll most often see @context used to define namespace aliases. Namespace aliases allow you to use compact IRIs.

IRIs take the form of, and including this full path every time can be very repetitive. It's harder for humans to write and parse, and it can unnecessarily consume bandwidth. Compact IRIs are a way of reducing this repetition. Here's an example:

"@context": {
"schema": ""
"schema:familyName": "Worrel",
"schema:givenName": "Ernest"

schema:familyName and schema:givenName are compact IRIs. Compact IRIs are handled as follows:

  1. If a string has the form namespace:identifier, and namespace is a key under @context
  2. Then replace namespace: with the corresponding value under @context

In this example, instances of "schema:" are replaced with "". Applications that understand JSON-LD, like Fluree, will expand namespaces into their full form when parsing JSON-LD objects.


@context can also be used to define simple replacements:

"@context": {
"familyName": "",
"givenName": "",
"familyName": "Worrel",
"givenName": "Ernest"

When a key in a JSON-LD object (like "familyName") has an entry in the @context, then that key will be replaced with the value in the @context.

@base, @vocab, and relative IRIs

JSON-LD supports relative IRIs. These are analogous to relative file system paths or relative URLs, like when you use ./tutorial/introduction instead of an absolute path like

You can use a relative IRI for @id values. These are all valid:

"@id": ""
"@id": "SatyaNadella"
"@id": "people/SatyaNadella"

By default, the relative IRI is resolved against the IRI used to retrieve the JSON-LD document, so if you got these examples from then they would resolve to:

"@id": ""
"@id": ""
"@id": ""

You can also set the base IRI for resolving relative IRIs using the @base keyword in a @context:

"@context": {
"@base": ""
"@id": "SundarPichai"

Here, the @id would resolve to

You can also set the base IRI for properties and @types by setting @vocab in the @context:

"@context": {
"@base": "",
"@vocab": ""
"@id": "SundarPichai"
"name": "Sundar Pichai"

This JSON-LD object serializes this RDF triple: "Sundar Pichai"

You can also define your @vocab relative to your @base:

"@context": {
"@base": "",
"@vocab": "properties/"
"@id": "SundarPichai"
"name": "Sundar Pichai"

Here, the @vocab is resolved to, so this object serializes this triple: "Sundar Pichai"

If you set @base and include an empty string for @vocab, then @vocab will resolve to the same string as @base:

"@context": {
"@base": "",
"@vocab": ""
"@id": "SundarPichai"
"name": "Sundar Pichai"

The triple: "Sundar Pichai"


The @context can also be used to set metadata like the language of string values in the JSON-LD object.

Other ways to define the context

The value of @context can be a JSON object. There are two other days to define the @context:

  • Provide a URL which points to a document which contains a JSON object that defines the @context
  • Provide an array of such URLs

These are both valid:

"@context": ""
"@context": [

Further reading

This document doesn't cover the full range of behavior governed by the @context object. To learn more, check out the JSON-LD specification.


The @type keyword is an alias for rdf:type. rdf:type is a property introduced by RDF Schema, also known as RDFS.

A full explanation of RDFS and how to use it is outside the scope of these docs. The W3C specification is a good starting point, and the book Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist gives the topic a full treatment.

JSON-LD and Fluree

Fluree introduces additional concepts and tools for working with JSON-LD.

id, and type

Fluree's built-in context includes:

"id": "@id",
"type": "@type"

Aliasing @id and @type like this is somewhat common among RDF practitioners. If you see id and type being used as keys without the preceding @ symbol, it's likely that those keys are aliases of the corresponding JSON-LD keywords. The aliases can be set in the @context.

Fluree accepts plain JSON

Fluree allows you to transact JSON objects like the following:

"@id": "320-1214-1231",
"name": "Bill Waters"

If you send Fluree data like this, then it will treat the "320-1214-1231" and "name as naive identifiers, unless you have leveraged @base & @vocab to instead treat @id like a relative IRI and name like a relative property name.