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Error Codes


This error is caused by a missing select key, which is required for all FlureeQL queries. You can find out more information on required keys in FlureeQL syntax


This error is caused by a missing where key, which is required for all FlureeQL queries. You can find out more information on required keys in FlureeQL syntax


This error is caused by an invalid or unknown key in your query. Try checking for spelling errors and confirm that each key in your query is one of the following listed in our docs on the Query Object


This error is caused by an invalid value is assigned to a history key in your query. You can look at our documentation on history queries here to ensure you are assigning an allowed data type that is properly formatted.


The most common reason for invalid-commit-details errors is that a value other than a boolean (true/false) was assigned to this key, which acts as a flag to either include or exclude details about commits in a history query. You can also refer to our documentation on History syntax to confirm your query is formatted properly.


This error is caused by an invalid value of t in your query. Check to be certain that the value for t is not out of range for your ledger and that it contains proper typing as explained here.


This error is typically caused by an incorrect usage of the select key. Check out our FlureeQL query syntax documentation on the select key to confirm you are using the proper options, syntax, and formatting.


This error is typically caused by an incorrect usage of the where key. Check out our FlureeQL query syntax documentation on the where key to confirm you are using the proper options, syntax, and formatting.```


Typically this error is caused by an invalid value for the orderBy key. Use of orderBy requires a value ?binding generated from the where clause. For example, if your where clause includes a binding for values on ?age (e.g. "schema:age": "?age"), then you could order all query results according to ascending sorted order for ?age like so: "orderBy": "?age"


This error is typically caused by an invalid value for the groupBy key that is neither recognized as a valid variable or vector of variables. groupBy must be assigned to either an array or a string. For more information and reference on this key, check out our documentation on groupBy here.